Garden plant whose capsule discloses when ripe a mass of seeds resembling a blackberry. 一种园林植物,蒴果成熟时开裂,散出大量的种子,象一种悬钩子。
Through analysing the Chinese traditional garden plant makes the scene, draw the developing direction of making the scene of the garden plant. 通过分析中国传统园林植物造景现状,探讨园林植物造景的发展方向。
Nazi bullets were dipped in poison derived from monkshood ( Aconitum), an extremely toxic garden plant. 纳粹子弹蘸了附子(乌头)做成的毒药,一个剧毒园林植物。
Garden plant is one of the elements of landscape design, we are usually concerned about the aesthetic values of plants shape more than its space capabilities. 园林植物是园林设计的组成要素之一,我们平时关注它的观赏特性多于它的空间塑造能力。
Study on the Characteristics of Garden Plant Community of the Main Temple Garden in Chengdu 成都市主要寺观园林植物群落的研究
Garden Plant configuration, also known as plant landscaping or landscape planting. 园林植物配置,又称植物造景或景观种植。
Disposition Kinetics of Nolatrexed in Animals; Making Fragrance Full of a House& Generally Discussing Housing Garden Plant Collocation 让花香满屋&漫谈室内园林植物配置
Selection of Shade-Tolerance Identification Indices for 12 Garden Plant Species 12种园林植物耐荫性鉴定指标的筛选
Have expounded the fact the Chinese traditional garden plant makes the artistic characteristic and tactics of the scene. 论述了中国传统园林植物造景的艺术特征与手法。
Resistance and Countermeasure for Flower and Garden Plant Industry to Disaster under the Extreme Climate 极端温度气候下园林花卉苗木业抗灾现状及对策上虞市花卉苗木产业现状与发展对策
Large-flowered garden plant derived chiefly from the wild pansy of Europe and having velvety petals of various colors. 大花花园植物,主要源自欧洲野圆三色堇,有各种颜色被绒毛的花瓣。
Study on assessment index system building method of urban garden plant landscape 城市公园植物景观评价指标体系建立方法研究
Study on Pollution Characteristics of Acid Rain in Panzhihua and It's Prevention Measure Against Acid Rain; Sensitivity of three garden plant species to acid rain pollution 攀枝花市酸雨污染特征及防治措施的研究三种常见园林植物对酸雨污染的敏感性反应
Garden plant having deep-pink drooping heart-shaped flowers. 一种园艺植物,具有深粉红色的下垂的心形花组成的总状花序。
A highly decorative garden plant. 装饰性很强的园艺植物。
Sensitivity of three garden plant species to acid rain pollution 三种常见园林植物对酸雨污染的敏感性反应
Crown tidy, branches and leaves bushiness, easy to cultivate, fewer pests, flower fruit is delicious, and thus as the lovely field, home of the garden greening garden plant good. 树冠整齐,枝叶繁茂,容易栽培,病虫害少,花果鲜美可爱,因而也是田旁、宅园绿化的良好观赏树种。
Annual or perennial garden plant having succulent leaves used in salads; widely grown. 年生或终年园子植物,有用作生菜的肉质的叶子;广泛种植。
Common garden plant of North America having fragrant red or purple or yellow or white flowers that open in late afternoon. 傍晚开红、紫、黄或百色并散发香味的花的北美常见园林植物。
European garden plant having finely cut leaves and white or pale blue flowers. 长有齐整叶片和白色或浅蓝色花朵的欧洲园林植物。
Some Kinds of Roof Garden Plant Compatibility and Disposition Research 屋顶花园若干植物适应性及配置研究
The low efficiency of using water in modern city garden plant irrigation makes the situation of water-supply more serious. 现行城市园林植物灌溉,水的利用效率低,使本来就很紧张的城市供水更趋紧张。
An old cottage garden plant of southeastern Europe widely cultivated for its attractive white woolly foliage and showy crimson flowers. 由于其长有白茸毛的叶片和光亮的深红色花而被广泛种植的欧洲东南部园林植物。
In recent years, the city environment worsening intensified, more and more garden plant disease and pest occurrence. 近年来,城市园林绿化不合理的植物配置和城市生态恶化,加剧了园林植物病虫害的发生和危害。
China has very rich garden plant and flower resources. 中国包涵花卉的植物资源丰富,类型多样,素有世界园林之母的美誉。
This paper showed damage of insect pests on garden plant, especially the damage on the garden scenery and urban environment, it provided the academic foundation for the control of insect pests. 研究了园林植物主要害虫的危害性,特别是园林植物害虫对园林景观和城市环境的危害情况,为害虫防治提供了理论依据。
In garden plant landscape design, plant color design has become an important design content. 在园林植物景观设计中,植物色彩设计已经成为重要的设计内容。
Carnation is an important ornamental garden plant. 香石竹是一种重要的观赏类园艺植物。
Lilium plants have medicinal and edible value and also are famous for courtyard garden plant and flower of arrangement. 百合属植物具较高的药用和食用价值,同时也是园林中庭院栽植以及布置花坛、花境的著名花卉。
Garden plant is the primary element in the landscape design of residential districts. 园林植物是居住区景观设计的主要元素。